Flower vases

Flower vases that are in a room are decorative enterieurs. Although quite attractive, the rooms and interiors were never my main subject.
Here are two interior views with flower vases. Once a blue room, the radiant blue of which dominates the picture with a delicate pink flower in a transparent light blue vase. A bright breeze comes from the right side, bringing with it yellow and sunny flowers.

The other picture focuses more on the room and its furnishings. Warm brown tones, yellow tones and a sunny yellow-green predominate. You can see a round table with a tablecloth and a delicate armchair. The landscape in front of the window is characterized by grassy areas and stony mountains or rocks. Both pictures were painted with water color.

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- What you are is what you have been. What you’ll be is what you do now. - No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path. (Buddha)

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